This is the best rice crispy treat recipe out there in my opinion!

– 8 oz. unsalted butter
– two 10 oz. bags of marshmallows
– 10 cups of rice crispy cereal
– flaky sea salt (optional but heavily encouraged)

1. Line a 9×9 or 9×13 baking sheet pan with parchment paper. (9×9 will result in a thicker treat, 9×13 will be slightly more thin)
2. In a large pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat. It will melt first, and then foam. After it foams, it will start to turn brown and smell nutty. Watch closely and stir often.
3. As SOON as the butter is golden brown, stir in marshmallows. Melt and stir until the mixture is smooth.
4. Turn off heat, add cereal and mix carefully. Pour into the prepared pan and press down lightly. Sprinkle with flaky salt to finish. Let cool and cut into squares or bars.

Recipe from Whats Gaby Cooking