This week, there will be 22 episodes published of the This Lyric, That Truth Podcast where we use a lyric from a Christian song as a jumping off point in a discussion to go deeper in conversations about faith. Episode 20 was a discussion with pastor Dave and Jodi about the power of prayer and I was so encouraged to hear Jodi talk about how she actively grew her practice of prayer in doing things like setting alarms throughout the day and using the alarms as a prompt to pray. I just received this text from her this week:
“I was at parent night at my son’s school tonight when a mom came up to me to say her family had listened to the podcast and her three kids started setting alarms on their phones to remind them to pray each day. But once school started they couldn’t use their phones…so the mom puts a note in their lunch each day to remind them to stop & pray when they get something out of their lunch bag. Love it!”
You can listen to that episode here and for a stream of encouragement, check out any episodes you may have missed on topics like being confident in your own skin and wardrobe, Laura Story’s journey in the music industry and how she’s been a faithful attender of the same church for 19 years, and learn to talk about Jesus in a normal way with missionary Mike Gruppen.
Thanks for listening,