Frequently Asked Questions
JOY 99.3 FM
Something’s wrong when I try to stream online. Help!?
Things can get buggy whenever we have to update or improve our streaming software! If we’re working on it, we’ll do our best to make a note and let you know. If we haven’t informed you of any issues, try clearing your browser cache and seeing if that helps! If you still can’t listen, PLEASE reach out to us. We want to help you hear the songs you love today!
Can you help me get the mobile app to work?
Sometimes our mobile app gets updated for a better user experience. First, go to your app store and see if there’s an update available. Or try deleting the app and downloading a fresh one if that doesn’t work. If you’re still having issues, please let us know. We’ll jump on it!
How do I find a song I heard on the radio when I don’t remember the artist/title?
You can hear recently played songs and access a full library of our music on our Recently Played page. If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, email Deb all the details you can (time you heard it, lyrics, etc.). She’d love to help you out!
Can you announce my event on the radio?
If you’re interested in paying to have advertising for your event on air you would want to reach out to the Sales Manager, Chad Millard.
I have some concerns about a particular commercial I heard. Who do I contact?
Our General Manager would be happy to address those concerns with you. There’s a lot of thought and processing behind advertisers we allow on-air, and he’ll happily answer any questions you have!
Why do you play commercials?
We wanted to be funded by the local businesses, not our listeners, for operating expenses allowing listeners to support non-profit organizations. We have never tallied it up, but a conservative estimate would say that Joy99 listeners have given more than 3 million dollars to nonprofits through on-air fundraising campaigns. Thank you for being a giving community!
Why do I hear political advertisements on your station?
The FCC mandates that all commercial radio stations MUST accept advertising from all federal political candidates, regardless of content. We abide by this law, or we would lose our license and no longer exist. We believe that our listeners should be informed and participate in the political process, though we never take a political position. We believe that if politicians want to tell our audience in a non-offensive way, we should give them the opportunity. In non-federal races or issue campaigns, we review the political ads for content to make sure it doesn’t violate our Joy promise and then allow you to hear their ads, do your research and make informed decisions at the ballot box. If we accept a political buy from one party in a non-federal campaign, we are legally required to accept buys from opposing parties. If you still have questions, Brad, the General Manager at Joy, would love to chat with you!
What is JoyWorship?
The words Worship and Joy just go together. What better way to live into and experience more of that true Joy than by worshiping Him all day, every day? It is our prayer that your listening experience will be exactly that, an experience. We have no desire to entertain or take the spotlight. We pray that we can help facilitate an intimate experience with God so powerful and personal that you will truly feel His presence. That powerful experience need not happen once a week on Sunday. May that experience happens in your car, in your home, on a walk, as you exercise…whatever you are doing, you can engage, participate, and experience Him every minute of the day. 1 Thessalonians 5 instructs us to pray continually. JoyWorship’s sole desire is to help make that a reality for you continually… Enjoy!
What is the Joy Bus?
Joy Bus is handing out free ice cream to the young and old at local parks. It’s dropping off a basket of goodies to postal workers. Joy Bus is helping a family struggling through a tough season in life. It is taking the gospel from the music played on air and putting it into action. With God in the driver’s seat, Joy Bus makes its way throughout West Michigan, spreading joy in many ways! The excitement of this is that joy is contagious and spreads! Joy Bus hopes to encourage and support other missions of joy as well!
Joy Bus simply takes the gospel from the music played on Joy99 and puts it into action. With God in the driver’s seat, Joy Bus makes its way throughout West Michigan, spreading joy in many ways! The excitement is that joy is contagious and spreads! Whether Joy Bus is handing out free ice cream at local parks, bringing goodies to community workers, or helping someone in need, Joy Bus is ready to make someone smile!