What parent doesn’t want their children to know their love and God’s love.
- I’m proud of you. And even if you weren’t so fantastic, I’d still be proud.
- I believe you
- The way you ______ is such a perfect addition for our family. God knew just what we needed when He gave us you.
- I know you and I haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately. But I want to let you know that I accept you whether I agree with you or not, and I’m committed to working on our relationship so we both feel understood and secure.
- I can’t believe how _______ you are. I can’t imagine the plans God has for you!
- You know, you may not feel very ________, but God knew exactly what He was doing when He made you the way He did, and it was just how He wanted to express Himself. I love you just the way He made you. And I wouldn’t have wanted Him to do it any differently.
- No matter how royally you mess up, I’ll always be glad you’re mine, I’ll forgive you, and I’ll love your socks off.
- I saw how you _______. I’m so proud of you.
- I forgive you. And I won’t bring this up again, okay?
- I want to hang out with just you tonight. What do you want to do?
- I remember when I _____. I felt so _____. I don’t know if that’s like what you’re going through, but it was a tough time for me.
- I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me for _____?
- I got you this, just because.
- Lately I’ve really seen you grow in the area of _____, like when you _____.
- Yes, there is food in the house.
- I admire the way you _______. In fact, I could learn a lot from you in that area.
- That was a really wise choice.
- No chores today.
- I trust you.
- You’re really growing into a young man/woman of character. I can’t tell you how exciting that is!
- Go ahead and sleep in tomorrow.
- I had no idea you could do that! You impress me.
- What do you think?
- I canceled your appointment with the dentist.
- I love your dad/mom so much! He/she is so _____.
- I love being around you.
- I’m so glad you’re home.
- Thank you!
- I love doing _____ with you.
- You are one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten. I am so humbled God gave me you.
- I feel so proud when I’m with you.
- You handled that so well.
- I made your favorite _____.
- I’m trusting that God will take perfect care of us. He’s always done it before! Can we pray together about this?
- With God’s help, your dad/mom and I will never, ever get a divorce.
- That looks great on you.
- If I were in your shoes, I would feel so _____. Is that how you feel?
- Would you turn your music up?
- You are so well-disciplined in _____.
- I sent you a big ol’ care package in the mail.
- That was so courageous.
- Do you feel like I’m understanding you?
- If there were one thing you could change about me as your mom/dad, what would it be?
- You have some real gifts in the area of _____.
- Let’s go to Grandma’s!
- It is so cool to watch you grow up.
- Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.
- I miss you, but I’m glad you’re having a good time!
- You make me so happy just by being you.
- I love you so much.