As the whether gets nicer and you bring your patio furniture back out, it may need a good clean before the summer. Here’s a great way to do that!

What you’ll need:
– large bucket or tub
– heavy duty laundry detergent
– powdered oxygen-based bleach
– plastic tarp
– soft-bristled nylon scrub brush
– garden hose

How to clean:
1. Fill the bucket/tub with warm water and add 1 tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent. Then add 1/4 cup powdered oxygen-based bleach to help brighten and treat stains.
2. Spread the tarp out over your grass or patio to create a work space. Remove the fabric cushions if possible. Or move the whole piece of furniture to the tarp.
3. Check it for stains and pretreat those before continuing with basic cleaning (stain steps are below).
4. Dip the nylon scrub brush (soft-bristled) in the cleaning solution. Start at the top and gently scrub the fabric in overlapping circles. Starting at the top will keep you from having to re-clean areas.
5. Use a garden hose to rinse away the dirt or fill the large tub with cool water and dip fabric repeatedly. Do not allow the solution to dry on the fabric.
6. Gently squeeze out as much water as you can. Hang our prop them out so they dry as quickly as possible.

How to remove stains:
Mildew: While the fabric is dry, brush the surface with a soft-bristled brush to loosen and remove mildew spores. Make a paste of one tablespoon liquid laundry detergent and one teaspoon powdered oxygen bleach and apply it to the mildew stains with a soft-bristled brush. Allow the paste to sit for at least one hour before rinsing.

Food and oily stains: Use a dab of heavy-duty laundry detergent on each stained area and work it into the fabric with a soft-bristled brush. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before rinsing.

Bird droppings: If the dropping is wet, allow it to dry before cleaning. Use the edge of a dull knife or a credit card to lift away any dry solids. Dab the spot with liquid detergent, work it into the stain with a brush, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Add a bit of powdered oxygen bleach to the detergent if the stain is dark from berries the bird ate.

Grass: Make a paste of one tablespoon liquid laundry detergent and one teaspoon powdered oxygen bleach and apply it to the stain with a soft-bristled brush. Allow the paste to sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.

Tree sap: Work a dab of heavy-duty laundry detergent onto the stained area with a scrub brush. Let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing the area with the brush dipped in hot water.