It’s tangle season! Windows down, boat rides, water sports, and updos. Your hair just gets more tangled this time of year. DO NOT FORCE YOUR COMB OR BRUSH THROUGH THE TANGLES! Broken hair is damaged and avoidable.
You just need a simple detangling spray to support you with releasing the mats and salvaging your precious hair strands. I believe in DIY detangling sprays. I used to create a great one for my girls when they were young.
- A misty spray bottle
- A cup of distilled water
- Two tablespoons of any conditioner
- A few drops of lavender or coconut oil.
- 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup of distilled water
- A few drops of an essential oil or coconut oil
The point is, if you’ve been out doing something fun and your hair is a mess, don’t go at it without some defense tools. You don’t want to break or damage your hair. You can work through those tangles with just a few ingredients and a spray bottle and you’ll be so glad you did.
You can do this. XOA