This morning, Alan Seaborn from Winning At Home was talking about making yourself available to whatever God is calling you too, even when it is not on your schedule. Jesus himself was interrupted in his daily ministry of going from one place to another. That message resonated with me. I want to be available.
Today, I was in Meijer, and I began chatting with Doug. Doug is a greeter that I have come to know, and become friends with. Doug shared with me 3 things that he was grateful for today. He said, “Tommy, my Dad came through open heart surgery. I just celebrated my 10 month anniversary with my girlfriend, and I just completed my first year of seminary.”
Wow! Those are 3 incredible feats all on their own. But, the lesson that I learned, was that had I not made myself available for this conversation, I would’ve missed in this blessing of hearing Doug’s heart, and the JOY he was ready to celebrate.
Doug, thanks for sharing your heart in the produce aisle today. It again reminded me, do NOT rush through life without simply being aware that God could show up at any moment.
Are you making yourself available?