Recently, Andy Stanley shared the 5 rules for dating. We featured these on our show Monday morning.
- Guys, ask girls on dates. And USE the word date. No more, “Hey wanna hang out?” Clarity is honoring and shows respect.
- Ladies, agree to go on dates. Don’t agree to “hang out” sometime. The bar is set on the first encounter. Respect yourself.
- Don’t ever mistreat anyone. If you’re a Jesus follower you’re taking your cue from how God, through Christ, has treated you.
- Don’t allow yourself to be mistreated. You are too good for that. That’s not arrogant. That is agreeing with what your heavenly Father says about you. And He knows.
- Don’t do anything that makes you a liar for life. All of your romantic events in life become part of your story.And you should write a story that you’re proud to tell.
From Andy Stanley’s Love, Dates and Heartbreaks