10 Beautiful Biblical Descriptions of What Heaven Looks Like
1. Heaven has Mansions Where We Will Dwell with Jesus – John 14:2-3
2. Heaven Will Be A City Built for Worship – Hebrews 12:22-23
3. All Nations and People Will Worship Jesus – Revelation 7:9-10
4. Heaven Will Be Filled with Peace, Joy, and Praise – Revelation 7:15-17
5. A Great Storm in Heaven & The Ark of the Covenant – Revelation 11:19
6. Jesus Leads Armies Clothed in White on White Horses 19:11-14
7. Precious Gemstones will Adorn Heaven – Revelation 21:9-11
8. Heaven Will Have Pearl Gates & Streets of Gold – Revelation 21:21
9. The Tree of Life in Heaven – Revelation 22:2
10. The Light of God in Heaven – Revelation 22:4-5