2022 was the first time I ever, in my whole life, followed through on my News Years’ resolutions. I had 2 goals as I started out the year, the first was to read through the Bible in a year and the second was a health goal, to add in more exercise, eat healthier, and hopefully lose a few pounds along the way. The ingredient to being successful on both accounts? Accountability. I joined a small text group where we had to check in every Wednesday that we were doing the daily readings and listening to the corresponding podcast. The leader was pretty adamant that we not fall behind, and so with her encouragement, I was able to read the last bit of Revelations on Dec 31. The same was true in my health journey, I put a 12-month calendar on the wall of my home office and tracked my exercise and weight.
I guess that’s my encouragement for you too regarding your goals for 2023. Maybe it is growing in your relationship with Jesus through prayer (something I’m also working on this year). Perhaps it’s getting control of your finances or starting or continuing your health journey. Life was not meant to go at it alone. Find an accountability partner or good friend you can check it with. Find ways to make it fun. A few weeks ago, the group of women I went through the Bible with had a fancy dinner where we talked about the things we learned and how we grew. It was so much fun. Don’t be too hard on yourself either, Dr. Caroline leaf reminds us that: You can start, restart, and begin again as many times as you need, and whenever. Doesn’t mean you are a failure, it means you are a learner.
Here’s to 2023, Ceci