I’m a driver.
I don’t mean a driver as in I enjoy driving a car. I mean that I have a high drive to make things happen. I set goals. I prioritize. I push to accomplish tasks. I plow through obstacles to get things done.
While achievement and productivity are high values of mine, I realize that because of this I don’t like to be interrupted. While I may have a smile on my face, inside I’m dying to just get back to work.
The Lord has convicted me of this recently. Instead of looking at interruptions as hindering the work, what if the interruption IS the most important work?
Mind. Blown.

Ephesians 4:2 says,  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

My prayer is the following:
Lord, help me to be so in tune to your Spirit that I walk in step with you. While I know you value stewardship of time and resources, you also value relationships. Help me not to put tasks above people. Help me to be patient with those that I may think are an interruption to my work, but you see differently. Help me to slow down to see you at work all around me. Amen.