Do you know someone “famous”? In West Michigan, fame is kind of a big deal. You can be “famous” being on the radio. You can be “famous” as a teacher. You can be “famous” as a “brew meister”. But there’s one West Michigan Mom, and wife, who wants to use her fame to share her story you.

Amber, a West Michigan Mom, and wife, is up for the title of “Ms. Health and Fitness 2024”. How cool is that? If Amber wins, she’s not only awarded that incredible title, but she’ll walk away with $20,000.

Amber is about more than just fitness, she’s about health and faith.

I take pride in my fitness and try to honor God with my body. I want to stay healthy for as long as I can! Sure, I have the occasional “treats” (several times a week) but for the most part I’m very conscious about what goes into my body!

I try to think of food as FUEL and keep a healthy relationship with it. My running is my time with God. I start every run with a prayer, thanking God for another day, the ability to run, and for his guidance and my safety. I realize that not many people can run the way I do, so I try to take time daily to thank him for it. I want my kids to grow up seeing what “healthy” looks like and how important it is to keep your body moving! We’ve become pretty lazy as a society with drive through restaurants, grocery delivery, etc. you have to be much more intentional these days to keep your body moving. I also want to be an example for other young girls that they don’t have to look a certain way to be healthy. Muscles are healthy! I strive to be strong, not skinny! 

There is a lot you can do with $20,000, but what is Amber planning to do with her winnings?

I would donate a large portion to my racing team (team StellaFly) and also to local road races in my town of Grand Rapids, MI.

How amazing is that? I encourage you to vote for Amber TODAY! I would love to see the prize of, “Ms. Health and Fitness 2024” given to a woman who wants to honor God, and West Michigan, with more than just a title to her name.

Vote here:

Represent your title well. Go make a difference. Always run by faith.