Re-Framing Self-Control

Re-Framing Self-Control

What is your guilty pleasure? Your vice? Your indulgence? Your treat? Mine would be a grande, non-fat, no foam, extra hot chai tea latte from Starbucks. I don’t get them often, but when I do I savor every sip! If I somehow had a limitless supply of chai tea...
Re-Framing Self-Control

Gentle Hands

“GENTLE HANDS!!!” If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times…”Please use gentle hands!” I have 3 boys (2 teenagers and a toddler) who love to rough house. Gentle is not the word I’d use for how they regularly...
Re-Framing Self-Control

I’m a Driver

I’m a driver. I don’t mean a driver as in I enjoy driving a car. I mean that I have a high drive to make things happen. I set goals. I prioritize. I push to accomplish tasks. I plow through obstacles to get things done. While achievement and productivity...
Re-Framing Self-Control

Good Deeds

I’ll admit it. I like people to be thankful. When I do good deeds for others, I like them to notice. I may not act like I don’t need the recognition, but secretly, I think that is the best part! Knowing that I brought someone joy makes me so...
Being Nice vs. Being Kind

Being Nice vs. Being Kind

It’s May and here at Joy99 we are focusing on KINDNESS! Have you ever thought about the difference between being nice and being kind? Perhaps you use those words interchangeably. They are actually very different. We are never asked to be nice in scripture....
Re-Framing Self-Control

God is so Good!

“God is so good!” How many times have you heard that declared in response to an answered prayer? So often, right? Yes, God is so good. Of course! But what if God didn’t choose to answer our prayer in the manner which we had hoped? Does that make him...