Heath Lambert: If a human physician knows how to use a scalpel in an effort to bring about good, then we can trust The Great Physician to turn all of our suffering for our good and His glory.

This quote. Wow. I never really thought about it, but it makes a ton of sense. Sometimes we go through very painful things, and we ask God to take them away because we don’t want to suffer. But that suffering is part of the process of healing, isn’t it?

My doctor does a skin check on me every year and has found a few basal cell carcinomas. So I could say to her, “Don’t cut those out…I don’t want to suffer” or I could say, “I don’t care how much it hurts, cut it out of there because I know in the long run, that’s what is best”. Sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn’t it?

But we do that with God all the time, don’t we? We don’t trust His GOODNESS as The Great Physician…that whatever we’re going through, He’s working it all out for our good and His glory!

So if you’re going through something right now that you think is painful and you’re asking God to just take it away, CUT IT OUT! Trust the goodness of God. Grow through the process…don’t just GO through the process. He’s teaching you something and He’s got you. He is FOR YOU! In the long run, you’ll see His goodness.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28