Imagine you were on a sports team and I told you that you’d ultimately win the championship. That’d be pretty amazing, right?

Along the way, you’d see your fair share of losses. You’d also experience having injured players, some broken equipment, finicky fans, and opponents that play dirty. However, you were guaranteed the championship win. The good news is you have an amazing coach with you the entire season that never leaves your side.
While this may seem far-fetched, this is actually very similar to our journey with God.
When we receive Jesus, our eternity is secure in heaven and we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit and our comforter and guide.
Personally, I wish Jesus hadn’t said these words, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I wish he would have said, “Accept me and your life will be perfect!” Sadly, no. But Jesus has overcome the world, and in him, we find our hope.
For the month of October, we will be talking about the fruit of the Spirit, hope.  Many years ago, a friend of mine said the simple phrase, “There is always hope in Jesus” to me during a very difficult season in my life. I know that may seem trite, but it was so powerful. No matter how dark things may look, there is always hope in Jesus. Always.