



Re-Framing Self-Control

Re-Framing Self-Control

What is your guilty pleasure? Your vice? Your indulgence? Your treat? Mine would be a grande, non-fat, no foam, extra hot chai tea latte from Starbucks. I don't get them often, but when I do I savor every sip! If I somehow had a limitless supply of chai tea lattes...

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Gentle Hands

Gentle Hands

"GENTLE HANDS!!!" If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times..."Please use gentle hands!" I have 3 boys (2 teenagers and a toddler) who love to rough house. Gentle is not the word I'd use for how they regularly interact with each other, but we're working on...

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I’m a Driver

I’m a Driver

I'm a driver. I don't mean a driver as in I enjoy driving a car. I mean that I have a high drive to make things happen. I set goals. I prioritize. I push to accomplish tasks. I plow through obstacles to get things done. While achievement and productivity are high...

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Good Deeds

Good Deeds

I'll admit it. I like people to be thankful. When I do good deeds for others, I like them to notice. I may not act like I don't need the recognition, but secretly, I think that is the best part! Knowing that I brought someone joy makes me so happy! ...

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