Social Media

Lenten Fasting Ideas

  • Give up coffee (or only brew it at home)
  • Give up certain social media sites, or limited them to certain days/time of day
  • Give up electronics after a certain time in the day (i.e., no screens after 8 p.m.)
  • Sleep without a pillow
  • Wake up without hitting the snooze button
  • Shower without hot (with only lukewarm) water
  • Keep the thermostat several degrees cooler
  • Park in the back of the parking lot and say a prayer as you walk to the grocery store
  • Abstain from reading gossip/rumor sites

Unique Things to Give Up

  • Social Media 
  • Caffeine 
  • Hatred 
  • Television 
  • Complaining

Kids / Teen Fasting Ideas for Lent

  • Give up a favorite toy or game
  • Fast from social media for a day
  • Give up a favorite snack
  • Drink only water at school
  • Give up a favorite chair at home or seat at school
  • Go without headphones/air pods for a day
  • Play your favorite game, focusing on helping others instead of winning
  • Allow others to pass in front of you in the lunch line

Things your family can start doing during Lent

  • Spend time volunteering as a family
  • Allow kids to be the one to place money in the basket during the offertory at Mass
  • Introduce children to a charity and explain to them how and why to donate to it
  • Have children identify a toy they are willing to donate to Goodwill
  • Help children pick an article of clothing they’ll donate to bless someone in need
  • Create a jar to collect change to donate
  • Donate food to a food bank
  • Donate a service (free homework tutoring, free professional assistance, etc)
  • Give a smile to someone you pass who may be living on the street (instead of ignoring them)
  • Follow new charities on social media and engage with their posts
  • Support a business that advertises with Christian media