Burnout is defined as a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged stress. Over the past couple months many of us having been living in a state of higher stress and anxiety which can quickly lead to burnout. There are strategies that we can employ, even in an era of physical distancing and lingering fears about our health and safety.
Know the signs of burnout.
People who are burnt out often detach from others, feel drained, are unable to cope, and lack their usual energy. Sometimes they can also show physical symptoms of headaches or stomachaches.
Stay connected with others.
We may need to practice social distancing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be creative in finding new and different ways to connect with others.
Shift your standards.
This may mean cutting down on the hours of school that are done at home each day. Or not taking on extra duties at work for the time being. It is important to be selective about what we take on and practical about what can be done with our current constraints.
Set boundaries for yourself.
They can help make your load at work and home more manageable. You have to be okay with saying no to some things.
Schedule time for yourself.
We tend to put everything on the calendar, except time for ourselves. Which means we don’t prioritize it like we need to.
Have a change of environment.
Even a simple change like moving from the living room to the kitchen, or going for a walk around the block can help.
Move your body.
There’s a big connection between moving your body to stay strong and healthy and your mental health. We are currently a lot more sedentary than usual and by moving our bodies we can fight off some of those effects of the abrupt changes to our routine.
Practice mindfulness with your diet.
Stress and being at home all day are not a good combination and often lead to more snacking and more unhealthy foods. It may feel better in the short term, but be mindful of what you’re putting into your body and how it is impacting you in the long run.
Power naps are rejuvenating.
If you’ve got twenty minutes, consider taking a power nap to reset and boost your energy and productivity. Find a quiet place and set your alarm for twenty minutes. It may be hard at first, but power napping becomes easier with practice.
Notice your words.
Allow yourself to vent, allow yourself to release those fears and worries. Then take those and channel them into something productive.
A side hustle can help you feel in control.
If you’ve lost your job or are worried about it, learning a new skill or bettering one you already have may give you purpose and help ease those fears.
List your fears.
Start by listing them all out, then go back and come up with strategies of how you will cope if they were to come true. Making a plan around them will help them not seem as worrisome.