Friendship Breakups
Recently, I heard from a JOY99 friend who asked for prayer because her and her best friend of several years are no longer speaking to each other. She is heartbroken and misses her dearly.
I was able to pray for her, and try to give her some Godly advice. That said, she is still hurting.
I found this article through, and thought it might be help you, or someone that you know.
How to Find Healing After a Friendship Breakup
1.New Normal:When that friendship is no longer there, and that daily practice of communing with them is no longer present, it can feel as if your life has been ripped away. You must cultivate a new normal, one without that person that was once a core facet of your existence.
2.Taking Time to Heal:This healing may come through counseling with a trained therapist, and there is nothing wrong with seeking mental health assistance during a difficult time.
3.Forgiveness:You may find that you must forgive yourself for your own actions that played a role in the decline of the friendship and forgiveness towards the other person for how they hurt you.
4.Releasing Them to God:Some friends serve a purpose to be in your life for a season, and some for the duration of your life. Though we may not always understand why, we must trust that God had a purpose, plan, and precise timing for that person in our life.
5.Friendship That Doesn’t End with God:Humans will fail you, but God does not. John 14:26 shares the truth that God does not leave us, “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.