Brooke’s Africa Trip
But God, I don't want to go to Africa
My first thought when they asked me to go to Africa with CURE International Children's Hospital was "no thanks". You may be one of those people who has always wanted to go to Africa, but I wasn't. Ireland - yes. Australia - maybe. But Africa - eh. But I'm so very glad and grateful that I went!
The opportunity to see what they do in the CURE Hospitals left me speechless. From meeting the staff, to meeting the surgeons, to meeting the kiddos, it was nothing nothing short of miraculous.
One of the things that impressed me most was the worship service they had at Chapel on Wednesday. All the staff gathered in a tent and worshipped before the children got there. They spent time singing and learning and praying over the children who were coming and the surgeons who would be operating. It was the most beautiful symbol of treating the whole person that I've ever seen. See, everyone at CURE has the same purpose. To help heal kiddos in Jesus name. Not one child or parent leaves there without knowing God loves them! And they have YOU to thank for that. Your generous gifts fund this most profound Jesus-shaped thing I’ve ever seen.
Next week we'll be sharing more stories and moments from the trip and offering you an opportunity to become part of the "team". If you can't wait, go ahead and give here!
In the meantime, if someone asks you to go to Africa...pray about it and then let God lead. You might be part of someone's miracle!