How Do You Wait?
I feel like I've written a hundred blogs about waiting well. And well, I just really don't like waiting. I am not sure I've learned a thing. The other day I was waiting in a hospital room for my daughter to have my grandson. I was so fidgety.
I tried reading. I tried praying. But I kept on looking out the door to see if they were coming in the room. I had prayed that everything would be ok. I had prayed for safety during the delivery for my daughter and my grandson. So why was I still fidgeting?
Psalm 49:1 says I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. Maybe that was it. Maybe I wasn't waiting patiently, maybe I hadn't completely turned it over to God for his perfect outcome.
In the end, it didn't matter whether I fidgeted or read or paced or juggled. God had it all under control, so I need to be reminded again that He is good and He has a plan and I'm not in control.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Trust Him. And see what happens.