I Wish I Would’ve Done This Better

Of all the things I look back on from when my kiddos were little, this is the question that haunts me most. Did I clean more than I played? I was very much a “put things in their place” kinda mom. If you get something out, put it back. If you’re done playing with item A, put it away before you get out item B. (even this sentence makes me sound like I’m wound a little tight!)

I know I played some, read some, and did normal mom/kid activities. But how did that balance with everything else I felt I HAD to do? If I had it to do over again, I’d definitely play more and be less concerned with how my house looked. When I found the list below, I got a little lump in my throat. I know I can’t do it over again, but I can hopefully encourage you, deep in the weeds, to embrace the mess a bit more and relax. (I hear it’s way easier with grandkids, so maybe that’s my do-over!) 



Tips for Embracing the Mess as a Busy Mom 

  1. Expect some mess

  2. Let kids be kids

  3. Recognize your limits

  4. Lower your standards

  5. Set realistic expectations

  6. Say no sometimes

  7. Designate “make a mess” days


Pumpkin Overnight Oats


Brooke's Journey Back