All Is Well

I saw a joke last week regarding the Irish tradition of opening your door at midnight of the new year to sort of let the old year out and welcome the new year in. The joke being if your 2024 was anything like mine, you’ll need to not only open the door, but all the windows and the garage door too.  I feel that.

I was so encouraged by a recent This Lyric, That Truth podcast with Dan Seaborn, from Winning at Home, where we talked about finding peace amidst life’s challenges. Dan chose the song “All is Well” and talked about how he has gotten to a place in his life where he can look at almost everything and say that all is well, even though life is downright hard sometimes. I think the discussion will encourage you and your loved ones. I can’t wait to have more hopeful discussions in the future as we continue to grow in our faith, in our relationships and within our community. Looking so forward to 2025! 

All is Well,



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