P.F.A.S. Those 4 letters have helped shape my life. They stand for Pray First Act Second. PFAS.
I’ve been trying to lean into praying first, before jumping into action. I would love to say that I have it mastered. But, Uh…NOPE!
I will say this, it has become more of a practice in my life. Praying first before worrying. Praying first before looking for a lost item. Praying first before lashing out.
Recently, I lost an item that I just purchased from the store. It was something I needed for my daily run. I always keep this item in the same dresser drawer every time I use it. So, when I reached into my drawer and it wasn’t there, I was a bit confused. I went into another room to look. Nothing. I looked in my travel bag. Zero. Now what?
I went back to my dresser drawer. But, this time, before I opened it up, I took a moment and said a small prayer. Basically, I asked God to open my eyes, and help me to see if I overlooked it. Well, right there, under an item in my drawer was the prized possession! It had been there all along.
Prayer is not a magic potion. It is a conversation between you and God. An opportunity to chat with the creator of the Universe. Think about that, if God knows what it takes to make the sun rise, I’m pretty confident He is able to help me find a lost item in my dresser drawer.
But, how much time, and unnecessary worry, would I have skipped if I just would’ve prayed first?!
Pray first. Act second. Go make a difference. Always run by faith!