JOY99’s Tommy and Brooke, recently heard the heart of Tasha Layton. The former Katy Perry background singer had this to say about the powerful song, “Look What You’ve Done”.

“There have been times in my life I thought I was really broken. But when I look back at those seasons, I realize now that God was breaking new ground in me. That he was digging things up to get to the root to ultimately get healed. It may have been painful, but God was doing something new, and in the end I’m so glad he did. And I’m glad he’s never going to stop helping me see who he really is and who he created me to be. I pray that when you find yourself in a difficult place that He’s working to make you new, to make you whole, to make you more like Him. It’s amazing to think about what God can do in us, that He can pull out every root of every lie in our hearts and replace it with the truth, which is Him. When I think about that, all I want to say is hallelujah!”