Interchangeable shoes!!

Interchangeable shoes!!

Have you ever worn flats to an event and had a pair of heels in your bag for when you arrived!  It’s the old city girl formula and the reason most women lug huge tote bags!  You always have to have a change of shoes with you when you’re a city girl with no car. 

Well shoe designers have been working for years on interchangeable shoes. Shoes that can go from flats to heels or stilettos to flip-flops with just a couple of changes. I can remember back in the 90’s when the first interchangeable shoes hit the market. They were very expensive and honestly, not that chic or attractive. But things have changed…no pun intended. 

Now there are over a dozen interchangeable shoe companies that offer creative ways to convert your shoes from one type to another, from one occasion to another. 

Interchangeable shoes!!

If you need wedding shoes, prom shoes or even shoes for travel, check out all of the interchangeable options that can help you go from formal to flats and save your feet and room in your suitcase.  You’re not going to believe all of the options and how fashionable they are. 

You can do this!