TAKE AWAY THE NUMBER You know—the number. The number of months it was supposed to take for that thing to happen. The number of years old you were supposed to be when that other thing happened. 

TAKE A REALISTIC LOOK AHEAD You know that season you wish you were in? The one that looks all rosy? You know that one thing you want to happen, the one you’re certain you could finally learn to be content after it does? Be realistic about the negatives of that season. 

TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT YOU CAN I think the hardest thing about longing for the next season is that often, it’s outside our control. There’s a deep desire, but in our own power we can’t change circumstances to fulfill it, so we’re left feeling helpless. 

TAKE IT TO GOD Tim Keller says something along the lines that if we knew what God knew, we would answer our prayers the exact same way He does.