This one needs to be filed under, I wish I had thought of that! 
The fake top is a fake shirt tail skirt. That’s a lot of words for what it actually is. 

Let me ask you this….
Have you ever put on leggings and a sweater or sweatshirt and wished you had an undershirt or button-up blouse long enough to curtain your lady junk? You know, a top that would cover your butt, and thighs in your leggings.   Well imagine putting on a short skirt that looks like the bottom of a button up shirt! Now you get it. It’s a fake top! Simple, but genius right?
Good Lordy, I want to buy a case of these and hand them out on the street corner! Finally a fashionable solution to the world’s over exposure that comes with wearing leggings as pants!
We have all become far too familiar with thousands of female crotches thanks to the favorite cousin of pantyhose… leggings!  A fake top offers an easy pull on layer that looks chic, adds style and….insert drum roll…modesty!  Woohooo!
So I’m sure you can tell I love this idea. But what makes it even better, it’s super easy to make!  
Simply cut the bottom half of an under used shirt and add elastic. I couldn’t be easier. The elastic is never seen, so you could do it by hand. 
Let’s do this ladies!   Butt coverage for all!!  Yipppeeee!