Did you miss the point?

GOD: Did you miss it?

Me: What?

GOD: Did you miss it? Christmas?

Me: Oh…no! Did you see that delicious Charcuterie Board I created when everyone came over on Christmas Eve?

GOD: That’s not it.

Me: Did you see my massive Christmas tree? It was 11 feet tall and full of decorations. And I even bought tinsel and put it on this year!

GOD: Still not it.

Me: I bought gifts for everyone in my family and even some neighbors!

GOD: That’s great. But…

Me: We read the Christmas story out of Luke and sang Carols!

GOD: Closer.

Me: God, I’m tired. It was so hectic. So busy. So many dishes and so much wrapping. So. Much. Snow.

GOD: That sounds exhausting, but I sent you my Son. “A child has been born for you . . .He will be called . . . the Prince of Peace!”

Me: I missed it. I did NOT have peace this Christmas.

My mom had this nativity set she got on a trip somewhere and she’d set it up before every Christmas. But she never put Jesus in it until after Christmas. I think it was to make us think about how Jesus came at Christmas. It did bring the story to life for me, but I have trouble thinking about leaving Jesus out of Christmas. There’s baking to do and shopping to do and family to take care of. But, did I worship Him? Did I thank Him for coming to a smelly manger and becoming human when he had ALL the glory of Heaven to live in? Sure, I had moments of worship and moments I forgot why I was doing all that I was doing. Jesus came for you! Our church service on Christmas focused on this quote from Eugene Peterson which really brought it all home for me. “God loves you. God is on your side. He is coming after you. He is relentless.”

I’m SO THANKFUL. Don’t miss that message of Christmas! Take it with you into 2023. ~Brooke