Thanks, Bridget for sharing this story from her friend Sheryl!

This is an AMAZING story of how God works in mysterious ways!!! So I got a message thru FB messenger from a gal that’s a complete stranger to both my mother and I. She reached out, wanting to know if my mother’s name is Lucile, and then responded by sharing her name and that she had owned the Big Boy out in Cascade MI back in 2004. She stated someone had left a Bible there and had never came back to claim it.

So when they sold the restaurant, she was determined to hang onto it and find the rightful owner someday. Time passed, she found her faith and was spending time in her own Bible when one day recently she thought of that Bible she kept for 22 years, opened it up and started looking through it and thought, wow this lady is one devote Christian, I need to find her!! She started with Facebook searching for Lucile and then-husband Jay with that getting nowhere. Then went to the page where their children were all listed and started searching, starting with the youngest and that’s how she connected with me!

I asked her to send pics of the Bible and writing inside to see if this was legitimately hers. Without a doubt, it was ? percent!! Yesterday, we made the connection happen, when we took my mom with us for the day to spend time with my sister and her hubby at Hardy Dam. We met this lady at Exit 131 and spent some time chatting in the parking lot of the gas station. I asked my mom if she remembers anything about losing this particular Bible and she said you know … it’s been too long ago. Although once she seen it she definitely remembered owning it!

So in our short time of connecting, we all agreed we need to keep shining our light in this dark and broken world and making a difference!!! We are so thankful for this special lady who kept my mom’s Bible and are grateful to God she has now found her faith in him and is actively sharing about the hope we have in his salvation!